lady with cat

Veterinary Wellness in the Northeast Kingdom

Our Health for Life program is designed to keep your pets healthy and you well-informed. Our prevention methods keep your furry friend happy and healthy. 


    With so many choices available, it can be hard for a pet owner to decide what nutrition to offer our pets. Add in the advertising world, and it’s nearly impossible to really know what is in that bag, can, or tube of food. We can help!

    Every pet is unique in their nutritional needs and it changes throughout their life. With each exam we assess your pet’s Body Condition Score and Muscle Mass Index, following guidelines internationally established by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association. These guidelines allow us to recognize good, healthy body conditions and be aware if illness or other concerns are beginning.

    The quote from Hippocrates is so true: “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” The right diet choices can promote and allow for a healthy, long life and can also be used as therapy or as part of a treatment plan.


    Pet Behavior can be a significant challenge. One of the most important things we can do is determine if changes in behavior, like soiling, new aggression, being timid, acting afraid, or other behavior that is seen as odd or different, is actually a medical-related problem. Working with a complete history and a good physical exam may be necessary. We can establish the best way to help your pet and family with the problem.

    Once we’ve identified the cause of the unwanted behavior, we can recommend ways to begin correcting or eliminating the problem. We can help create a program for your pet that may involve behavioral counseling and training, nutritional changes, and medical options.

    Unwanted behaviors in your pet can add stress to a home. We can help!

    Dental Health Care

    Your pet’s dental wellness is proving to be one of the most important parts of their being comfortable and healthy. We want to involve you as much as possible in recognizing what your pet’s healthy mouth and teeth look like from puppy and kittenhood, and what we can do to maintain those great teeth and gums. Yes, brushing is best and not impossible! We can show you other good options for oral care that can work for you and be great for your pet.

    With each exam we look at the teeth, gums, and tongue and assess if gingivitis, periodontal disease, or lumps and bumps are a concern for your pet’s overall health. Infection in the mouth can lead to pain and eating issues, heart and kidney disease, and general ill health. Dental cleanings and x-ray evaluations can be done to assess and treat dental disease and get your pet’s mouth healthy again.

    Our goal with our Dental Care Program is to help your special friend keep those teeth and mouths healthy!


    It is important to keep your pet’s vaccinations up-to-date. The risk of being exposed to disease varies depending on where your pet lives and the type of lifestyle they lead. Is your dog or cat going to be boarding or grooming or going on ‘play dates’ with others? Do you love to hike or hunt in the woods and see your dog exploring streams and wildlife areas? Does your indoor kitty have a shelf on a window sill where other cats love to come and visit? Preventable diseases like Rabies, Leptospirosis, or Lyme disease are a concern for humans. It’s important to establish what risks are possible on an individual basis to determine the right vaccine program.

    We keep up-to-date on emerging disease concerns and follow vaccination protocols that have been approved by the American Veterinary Medicine Association and the American Animal Hospital Association. We are using pediatric-size doses for our core vaccines to be as comfortable as possible for our little ones.

    Let us help you decide what would be the best vaccine program for your special friends.